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Showing posts from August, 2016

Single-Family Offices Friending Single-Family Offices

Thought I would share this great family office article from Russ Alan Prince at Forbes Insights One of the strengths of the very wealthy is the depth and breath of their personal and professional contacts . What are even more powerful are their core relationships – advocates for the affluent often enabling them to garner key resources and generate new business opportunities. The non-family senior executives of single-family offices are increasingly working to gain significant advantages by adopting the same approach the self-made wealthy have in developing results-driven professional networks. A crucial component of this process is building solid relationships with senior executives at other single-family offices. In a survey of 78 single-family offices, about 85% of the senior executives report that they’re making concerted efforts to expand and strengthen their relationship with their peers in other single family offices. The two principal reasons for this are access to...

US Family Office Real Estate Podcasts Introduction

What the next President could mean for Commercial Real Estate if elected

Presidential elections aren’t known for cooperating with commercial real estate fluctuations. The current wave of uncertainty, however, has this ballot feeling particularly ill timed. So how do the major candidates’ policy proposals fit in for commercial real estate investors? They’re already having an impact as we are seeing many investors pulling the trigger on acquisitions and dispositions now to get in front of what may come, depending on who they think will be elected to office, says Eric Wohl , EVP at Hanley Investment Group .   “Every presidential election creates new uncertainty about the direction of the economy,” said Wohl. “The goal is to have a clear picture on how each presidential nominee, if elected, will impact the commercial real estate industry. While some policy details may be vague or change, all we can do is to interpret the provided information at this time to the best of our ability.”   So, with that in mind, what are the candidates’ poli...

The Retiree Surge Is Here - what does that mean for family offices and their real estate investing?

Chart from John Burns Consulting For Family Offices investing into real estate  there is one demographic that can't be denied and that is the aging population.  Many first generation patriarchs are part of this wave but more importantly 2nd and 3rd generation investors need to be aware of this continual trend to capitalize on the opportunities in the future.   Lesley Deutch, a principal with john burns real estate consulting summarized this surge in a recent write up below. Only 10 years ago, 2.2 million people were turning 65 each year. That number has surged to 3.5 million this year and will grow to 4.2 million in 2025! Tomorrow’s retirees will completely transform the housing industry. We have done a tremendous amount of research on this group, all of whom were born in the 1950s. We call them the Innovators  because they have created so many innovations throughout their lives. They are: Tech savvy, which began with their space race fascinatio...

How A Family Office Can Add Quality Real Estate To Their Portfolio

Family Office Elite - Spring Issue 2016 Real estate is an important part of any portfolio, especially for family offices. Real estate has many benefits––from the use of leverage, tax-free growth, and tax deferment to depreciation and mortgage interest deductions, and especially the opportunity for families to build legacy wealth. A good property in a good location can be a long term family asset, providing cash flow, appreciation, and tax benefits for generations to come. Because of these benefits, the question then becomes: How can a family office invest in real estate and maximize the benefits that real estate has to offer? The options available to family offices are: 1) direct investing, (or a subset of direct investing), 2) fund investing, and 3) investing through publicly traded entities such as REITS or individual stocks of real estate and real estate-related companies. For the purposes of this article, we will focus on direct investing through jo...