So today I am at a Campden Wealth Conference in San Francisco and yesterday I was at an IMN Conference in Chicago. Next week I will be at a Tabor Conference in Beaver Creek and the week after a Family Office Network meeting in Laguna Beach CA.
The thing that I have really noticed in the last few days is how different each conference really is. Not only with the type of people, but also the feeling of the conferences. For example some conferences has many product providers and limited family offices. Typically at these types of conferences there are many people networking in the hallway so in fact you could actually chose to be outside or inside the conference room. Other conferences there is little time for networking as everyone is primarily in the conference room and no one is in the hallway. These conferences, and ironically conferences that the family office pays for, have many more family offices who are really there for the content.
What conference you decide to go to be sure to identify exactly what you want to accomplish at the event and be aware - the conference that you attend may be very different than you expect.
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